React Shopping Cart
A quick e-commerce shopping cart built in React.js
An open-source learning management system designed for the developing world. Reach lets organizations offer education and training to anyone—whether they're working from a laptop in a city center or a solar-charged flip phone in a remote village.
A mini project where I have a daily tracker of covid-19 cases for each country in the world.
A clean and productive to-do list built with React and styled components. Has dynamic add, search, edit, and delete functions. Login with any email and password.
Some of my smaller projects made mainly as a student at Lambda School. I try and push myself with every project and do something different.
A quick e-commerce shopping cart built in React.js
A web application which allows communities to upvote on jobs they want completed. I built the backend REST API for this using Java, Spring framework, Tomcat, and Maven.
descriptionAn online potluck planner where you are able to create events, invite guests, and assign items to bring!
A REST API backend application built for a bookstore.
A quick project build with React.js which collects data from NASA's photo of the day API.